Thursday 11 June 2015

Recommend-er Systems

Recommend-er Systems are the software components which keep track of the user activity over an internet and remembers the user’s choice of interest and then suggests the results which will be best suited to the user. To study the user’s interest it may focus on user data which is fed by the users while registering on certain sites, it can keep track of past history where users have spent maximum time etc. Though recommend-er systems were initially designed for recommending news articles, now a days they are mostly used in recommending the items to customers in various e-commerce websites. Also they play a major role in recommending research papers for the scientists and researchers. Recommend-er systems were developed based user profiles or by taking details from social networking sites or by tracking history of user. Research was never done with respect to Mind Mapping based recommend-er systems. But then a group of researchers from DOCEAR studied and implemented a Recommend-er System for their own Mind Mapping software. They published their paper on the same by the name: Mind-Map Based User Modelling and Research Paper Recommend-er Systems.
Even though use of mind mapping techniques gives comparatively higher click through rates than traditional methods, the obtained click through rates can not be treated as best results one can ever get. So, it is needed to research in this flow to find our more methods which further improves the click through rates.

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